Hosted PBX

Telephony plus cloud power

Optimize your business communications with RingCentral's industry-leading hosted phone system.
A female on a phone call using a headphone
On-premises phone systems are costly, complex, and clunky. In short, they're outdated. You need telephony fit for modern business, and hosted PBX solutions offer just that. Read on to learn how the power of the cloud can take your comms to new heights.

What is hosted PBX?

A hosted PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a cloud-based phone system hosted and managed by a service provider. It offers advanced telephony without any need for on-premises hardware, making it more flexible, powerful, and cost-effective.
Also known as a cloud PBX, IP PBX, or virtual PBX, it uses cloud technology to replicate the features of a traditional PBX built on a switchboard and landlines. While adding easy compatibility with varied digital channels. The result is a private communication network thatā€™s fit for the demands of modern business.
In addition to everything an old-fashioned PBX supports (including voicemail, extensions, conferencing, paging, intercom calling, and toll-free numbers), a hosted PBX phone system can deliver complete mobile integration, business SMS, video calls and online meetings, and so much more.
This is a high-value prospect for any business relying on dated architecture. A company that canā€™t efficiently and economically field business calls will struggle to remain competitive.
Overall, having a hosted PBX system in place allows unprecedented optimization. Support agents can suffer less frustration, and the time and money saved through moving past on-premises telephony can be put towards other projects.

How does hosted PBX work?

A hosted PBX service makes and securely routes phone calls through the internet by using a range of technologies that fall under the umbrella of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).
Phone calls use classically analog transmissions, so theyā€™re converted into digital data and back again as needed. A business using a hosted PBX can move all its call handling to digital devices (meaning only incoming calls require conversion) or configure ATAs (Analog Telephone Adapters) to keep using traditional handsets.
A hosted PBX provider takes care of all the technical aspects of telephony, receiving and processing call requests as they arrive. Using powerful cloud processing, it can rapidly and consistently manage call flow, resulting in high-quality private audio with negligible lag and minimal dropped-call rates.
Using integrations with other cloud services, a cloud-hosted PBX can also boast a range of convenient features. Interactive Voice Response (IVR), for example, can help callers find what they need without the immediate involvement of support agents, while voicemail messages can be automatically transcribed, saving time.

A hosted PBX vs. an on-premises PBX

There are three core differentiators separating a hosted PBX and a traditional on-premises PBX: convenience, functionality, and cost.


Setting up an on-premises PBX is a complicated and drawn-out process requiring the installation of specialized hardware. That hardware must then be maintained by expert technicians to ensure reliable performance. This makes it necessary to have an office with adequate space and connections.
Setting up hosted PBX, however, is quite easy. Because all the systems are handled in the cloud, the underlying hardware is already prepared in the providerā€™s data center. Once youā€™ve subscribed to the service, you can immediately start using it through desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.
You can then continue knowing that the hardware and software youā€™re using is being expertly managed and periodically updated for optimal performance. And when demand scales up, your hosted PBX will seamlessly scale with it.


Though an on-premises PBX can exceed the basic capabilities of traditional telephony (with call routing, extensions, voicemail, etc.), adding features typically requires significant investment. Even when itā€™s possible to manage it without further hardware or software, integrating the new features isnā€™t easy.
In contrast, the possibilities for hosted PBX features are practically unlimited. Many cloud services are developed to be compatible with others out of the gate, while others can connect through third-party services. Implementing expanded call analytics or CRM data sharing can be done in a few clicks.
Perhaps the most important word here is unification. A business using a hosted PBX can bring all its communications together into one convenient platform that reliably keeps up with the technological curve.


Installing and configuring an on-premises PBX has always required a substantial upfront investment, making it a tricky commitment in general but particularly dicey for any business yet to earn enterprise-level revenue. And thatā€™s just the beginning. Past that point, staff training and system maintenance costs can soon add up.
In addition to being more convenient and powerful, a modern hosted PBX is so much more budget-friendly. It needs no hardware installation, uses accessible functions that require only minimal training, works on existing devices with no modification, and receives new features and bug fixes at no extra cost.
The cost reduction is such that itā€™s even practical to use a hosted PBX for small business services. Pay only for the functions you need in accordance with how heavily you use them, then invest more when the results justify it.

How to choose between hosted PBX providers

Selecting the best hosted PBX for your business isnā€™t trivial, but it shouldnā€™t take too long if you consider the right factors (namely features, reliability, cost, and brand reputation).
Hereā€™s how to choose your hosted PBX provider by narrowing down an initial shortlist of contenders:

Check their reputations

Choosing a hosted PBX for business operations is a serious commitment. Even though itā€™s possible to change your provider fairly easily, itā€™s best to stick with one for the long-term. You can then build an effective relationship with the support team and get optimally comfortable with the options at your disposal.
The first thing to do, then, is read reviews and see how highly the prospects are rated. Established providers (such as RingCentral, naturally) are always the safest bets because theyā€™ve proven their quality consistently over years of operation. And if an unknown provider seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Compare their service packages

The best hosted phone system on offer should pair a comprehensive set of features (call forwarding, voicemail, virtual receptionists, etc.) with excellent integration capability. A powerful system that you canā€™t straightforwardly slot alongside your other business solutions wonā€™t deliver the full benefits of hosted PBX investment.
And then thereā€™s the matter of support, which is particularly important when youā€™re relying on cloud services. You should require 24/7 assistance via phone, live chat, and email. Anything less than that is unsuitable for business telephony.

Pore over the pricing

With low cost (both upfront and long-term) being one of the core hosted PBX benefits, you must be careful not to overpayā€”and that means reading the fine print. The key features of hosted PBX should come as standard with no tacked-on fees or maintenance charges hidden where you might not spot them.
At the same time, you donā€™t want to choose an underwhelming system solely because the provider charges less than its competitors. Instead, focus on finding the right balance between expense and capability.

Confirm their uptime guarantees

You may have found a highly rated provider that delivers outstanding features, support, and pricingā€”but those things arenā€™t quite enough. If that provider canā€™t provide assurances that the services will function properly when you need them most, youā€™ll need to keep looking.
Ask for an uptime guarantee of at least 99.99%. This is standard for cloud service providers in general, so itā€™s nothing exceptional to require. Additionally, find out what happens when disasters occur; some outages are unavoidable in the fullness of time, so prioritize having effective disaster recovery processes in place.

Use free trials or demos where available

Before you put pen to paper (so to speak), look for ways to test out each service youā€™re considering paying for. Free trials can really help you choose between two or three contenders if you use them in quick succession. Demos are solid alternatives when trials arenā€™t offered, but be sure to ask questions to learn as much as you can.
Play Video: A woman on a videoconference and insert of a dialpad in the RingCentral app

RingCentralā€™s hosted PBX features

Online portal management

Take control of your business PBX system. With a cloud-hosted PBX service provider like RingCentral, you can administer, edit, and moderate essential phone functions via an online dashboard. You can set up a Ring Group, establish new handset extensions and endpoints, and create a call routing path.
A list of RingCentral Virtual PBX features
John Curtis' RingCentral virtual presence

Virtual presence

Enable your team members to check whether colleagues are online, offline, or engaged in calls. With the presence feature from RingCentral, your team can manage inbound calls more efficiently.


Enhance customer experience with RingCentral's Auto-Receptionist. Let a caller feel their call is important. The Auto-Receptionist feature can handle call routing to the appropriate person or department, or choose from other options set by your team.
Auto-attendant settings of a RingCentral admin account
The Screening, Greetings & Hold Music settings in the RingCentral app

Hold options

Make customer queues bearable. With RingCentral's cloud-hosted PBX, you can choose the audio your clients can listen to as they wait. Foot-tap-worthy music, company announcements, product promos, or a combination: itā€™s up to you.


Playback anytime you like. With RingCentralā€™s virtual PBX, users can have voicemails sent to them through email, allowing them to access the messages as MP3s instead of needing to retrieve them using voicemail menus.
A list of voicemails received in the RingCentral app inbox
A marketing team about to start a conference call in the RingCentral app

Conference Bridging

Want a call with more than three participants? RingCentralā€™s hosted PBX phone system can handle hundreds. That means conference bridging on another level, introducing new possibilities for productivity.

Hosted PBX benefits to expect

Secured data centers that keep all communication data private

When you choose RingCentral's cloud PBX, you get bi-coastal Tier-1 data centers that feature multiple layers of redundancy, failover technology, physical and biometric security, encryption, system hardening, and 24/7 monitoring. You don't need to worry about having on-premises PBX work systems vulnerable to security breaches or natural disasters.

Maximized phone service uptime for superior operational stability

With the RingCentral mobile app, employees can call, fax, SMS text, enable call recording, and host conference calls and online meetings using their smartphones or tablets. And with mobile data available whenever necessary, they can keep working if thereā€™s a power outage, inclement weather, or a major disaster, delivering excellent business continuity.

Cost-effective pricing with lower overall costs and increased ROI

With RingCentral's business PBX solution, you don't have to deal with hardware upgrades and upkeep, a burden thatā€™s particularly tough for startups or small businesses.

You can eliminate on-premise PBX hardware to reduce the initial investment and remove the otherwise-inevitable maintenance costs that can easily add up as the months go by.

Unified communications across all locations and device types

Choosing RingCentral as your hosted PBX provider makes it possible to connect all your business communications through one versatile platform that can be accessed anywhere through desktops, laptops, smartphones, and other IoT devices.

That puts you in the position to easily accommodate staff anywhere in the world without sacrificing quality or reliability.

A smooth learning curve that results in ease of use

Unlike the complicated PBX setups of old, RingEX is simple to use and easy to manage. Its accessible design empowers users to take advantage of powerful PBX features (including call handling, voicemail, greetings, and much more) without needing IT staff to assist them.

The result? Improved morale, raised productivity, and better caller experiences.

Cloud telephony that flexibly adapts and scales with business needs

With RingCentralā€™s desktop and mobile apps, you can use your PBX the moment itā€™s configured, meaning you can immediately start adding phone numbers, locations, phone lines, and extensions.
And with immense processing power and feature options waiting in the cloud, you have everything you need to deal with even the biggest spikes in demand.

Hosted PBX FAQs

No, PBX (Private Branch Exchange) and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) mean different things. A PBX is a system that routes calls, traditionally through landline networks, while VoIP is a system for transmitting calls over the internet. A modern PBX can use VoIP to route calls; this is known as a hosted PBX or a virtual PBX.
RingCentralā€™s hosted phone system benefits from both systems, allowing businesses to make, receive, route and otherwise manage phone calls from anywhere.
RingCentralā€™s plans start at $20 per user, per month. After that, they rise in cost in accordance with the added features and integrations they bring to the table. To learn more, check our plans and pricing page, or contact one of our representatives for more in-depth insight.
The hardest part of getting a hosted PBX in place is choosing which service provider best suits your business needs.
Once thatā€™s done, you just need to choose a package or plan, sign up, and install the software. You can then use the online portal to configure your phone numbers and add more lines if needed. After that, itā€™s as simple as getting started and learning everything you can do with the software.
Yes, the key features of hosted phone system solutions are affordable enough for even small businesses to enjoy.
The beauty of a hosted PBX lies in its affordability, flexibility, and scalability, making it readily customizable. You can simply start small and commit to more features when the circumstances are right.
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